30 Mayıs 2023 Salı



 1. Identifying project partners /Identifying the project partners.

2. Introducing the teachers themselves, their schools and the provinces they are in, /Introducing the

teachers themselves, their schools and provinces.

3. Obtaining student permits and uploading twinspace.,/Getting the students' allowance

cards and loading them to twinspace.

4. Preparing a survey using Google forms for parents about the project

Measuring readiness levels and raising awareness/ Preparing surveys intended

for parents by using Google forms,measuring the ranks of readiness and creating awareness

about the project.

5. Informing the parents about the project (may be in the form of a presentation)/ Informing the parents

about the project.(may be as a presentation)


1. Creating project slogans, logos and posters./Making up Project slogans,logos and


2. Making Game and Digital game activities with the theme of pattern


1st Partners webinar

2. Making game and digital game activities with the theme of measurement units


1. Making game and digital game activities with the theme of creating graphics

2nd student webinar


1. Conducting game and digital game activities with the theme of addition and subtraction

2. Making project evaluation surveys. (Teacher, student, parent)/Making up the

surveys of project evaluation.(Teachers.students,Parents)


21 Mayıs 2023 Pazar



Project Purpose: The main purpose of the project is to enable pre-school students to develop positive attitudes and behaviors towards mathematics activities.



• To be able to learn mathematics concepts by having fun with an interdisciplinary approach in preschool period.

• Developing a positive attitude towards mathematics activities

• To provide interactive learning.

• To enable students to work collaboratively with the group.

• To enable them to understand and distinguish the same, similar and different words.

• To enable them to learn problem solving processes and apply original problem solving methods.

• To support cognitive skills such as making predictions, making comparisons, and establishing cause-effect relationships.

• To be able to understand mathematical concepts and to use these concepts in daily life.

• Gain cognitive skills such as remembering, understanding, applying, analyzing, evaluating and creating new products.

• Gaining reasoning, critical thinking, self-evaluation metacognitive skills

• Gaining affective skills such as interest, motivation, attitude, creativity, love, friendship, empathy, self-control and responsibility values.

• Gaining digital competencies

Proje Amacı (Project purpose) : Projenin temel amacı, Okul öncesi yaş grubunda öğrencilerin matematik etkinliklerine olumlu tutum ve davranış geliştirmelerini sağlamaktır.



·         Okul öncesi dönemde çocukların disiplinlerarası yaklaşımla, eğlenerek matematik kavramlarını öğrenebilmektir.

·         Matematik etkinliklerine yönelik olumlu tutum geliştirmek

·         Etkileşimli öğrenmeyi sağlamak.

·         Öğrencilerin grupla işbirliği içinde çalışmalarını sağlamak

·         Aynı, benzer ve farklı sözcükleri anlayabilmeleri ve ayırt edebilmelerini sağlamak.

·         Problem çözme süreçlerini öğrenme ve özgün problem çözme yöntemlerini uygulayabilmelerini sağlamak

·         Tahminde bulunma, karşılaştırma yapabilme, neden-sonuç ilişkisi kurabilme gibi bilişsel becerilerini desteklemektir.

·         Matematiksel kavramları anlayabilme, bu kavramları günlük hayatta kullanabilmelerini sağlamaktır

·         Hatırlama, anlama, uygulama, çözümleme, değerlendirme ve yeni ürün oluşturma gibi bilişsel beceriler kazandırma

·         Akıl yürütme, eleştirel düşünme, öz değerlendirme üst bilişsel beceriler kazandırma

·         İlgi, güdülenme, tutum, yaratıcılık, sevgi, dostluk, empati, özdenetim sorumluluk değerleri gibi duyuşsal beceriler kazandırma

·         Dijital yetkinlikler kazandırma





20 Mayıs 2023 Cumartesi


 It is to apply mathematics activities with an interdisciplinary approach and game-based learning. The main purpose of the project is to enable students in the preschool age group to develop positive attitudes and behaviors towards mathematics activities.

Matematik etkinliklerinin disiplinler arası bir yaklaşım ve oyun temelli öğrenme ile uygulanmasıdır. Projenin temel amacı, okul öncesi yaş grubundaki öğrencilerin matematik etkinliklerine yönelik olumlu tutum ve davranışlar geliştirmelerini sağlamaktır.