30 Mayıs 2023 Salı



 1. Identifying project partners /Identifying the project partners.

2. Introducing the teachers themselves, their schools and the provinces they are in, /Introducing the

teachers themselves, their schools and provinces.

3. Obtaining student permits and uploading twinspace.,/Getting the students' allowance

cards and loading them to twinspace.

4. Preparing a survey using Google forms for parents about the project

Measuring readiness levels and raising awareness/ Preparing surveys intended

for parents by using Google forms,measuring the ranks of readiness and creating awareness

about the project.

5. Informing the parents about the project (may be in the form of a presentation)/ Informing the parents

about the project.(may be as a presentation)


1. Creating project slogans, logos and posters./Making up Project slogans,logos and


2. Making Game and Digital game activities with the theme of pattern


1st Partners webinar

2. Making game and digital game activities with the theme of measurement units


1. Making game and digital game activities with the theme of creating graphics

2nd student webinar


1. Conducting game and digital game activities with the theme of addition and subtraction

2. Making project evaluation surveys. (Teacher, student, parent)/Making up the

surveys of project evaluation.(Teachers.students,Parents)


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